Fast Five Shorts | An LA Raiders Latch Hook Lightning Round
In the latest edition of Omni Talk’s Retail Fast Five, sponsored by the A&M Consumer and Retail Group, Mirakl, Simbe, and Ocampo Capital Chris Walton and Anne Mezzenga discuss: An LA Raiders Latch Hook Lightning Round
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It was your birthday last weekend.
Speaker A:Happy birthday.
Speaker A:If you could have the power to have your family do something else besides sing Happy Birthday in honor of your birthday, what would it be?
Speaker B:Oh, man.
Speaker B:And as you know, I was sick as a dog on my birthday weekend, and I'm still sick.
Speaker B:And took me about three headlines to get into the podcast to get my brain working, too, for those that stuck with us this long.
Speaker B:So my, my, my birthday wish would be that they could get rid of this cold that's plagued me for, like, the last two months.
Speaker B:It just keeps coming and keeps coming back.
Speaker B:And so that, that's, that's, that's, that's my answer to that question.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:I was hoping, like, you'd have them, like, give you a massage or, like, do something else that doesn't involve loud singing, but.
Speaker A:Okay.
Speaker A:Getting rid of a cold, I suppose, is.
Speaker A:This is relevant right now?
Speaker B:Yeah, it is.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:I'd say maybe give me an hour to read in peace.
Speaker B:I think that would be a nice thing, too.
Speaker B:You know, that.
Speaker B:That's a hard thing to come by in my household.
Speaker B:But.
Speaker B:All right, question number two.
Speaker B:Lester Holt is also stepping down.
Speaker B:More sad news this week.
Speaker B:And as anchor of the NBC Nightly News, as a former news reporter yourself, who is your favorite national, national news anchor of all time?
Speaker A:And, oh, there was a lot of people that I had to pull from here that were very close.
Speaker A:Diane Sawyer, Peter Jennings, I liked a lot.
Speaker A:But then, you know what is weird?
Speaker A:I was like, I better fact check these people and see if they have gotten into trouble recently.
Speaker A:Because I feel like there's so many that you're like, ooh, I liked their work.
Speaker A:All of their work.
Speaker A:Right.
Speaker A:But I have to pick Katie Couric because I always thought she did a really good job on a human level talking to people.
Speaker A:And I got to meet her once in an elevator when I worked at NBC in New York.
Speaker A:And it was, she was very pleasant.
Speaker A:So she was, she, she made, she made the.
Speaker A:The full 360 view of a good, good integrity.
Speaker A:Integrity laden journalist and a nice person.
Speaker B:So are, Are you taller or shorter than Ms.
Speaker B:Couric?
Speaker B:I'm curious.
Speaker A:I'm taller.
Speaker A:I.
Speaker A:Are you hopefully still am, but I don't know.
Speaker A:It was a long time ago.
Speaker A:Yes, but I'm saying I'm probably shrinking as well, so who knows at this point in time?
Speaker A:Lots of hunching over at a computer.
Speaker A:Okay, Chris, question number three.
Speaker A:Joann Fabrics, as we mentioned, is about to be sold, and all stores will be.
Speaker A:What was the last thing that you purchased at Joanne Fabrics.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker B:This.
Speaker B:I had to go way back for this one, and.
Speaker A:And I was wondering.
Speaker B:I do.
Speaker B:I do remember it like it was yesterday.
Speaker B:I think I was like, 6 years old.
Speaker B:My father, God rest his soul, took me in there and we bought a little hook rug.
Speaker B:Like a little rug?
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:You know those things.
Speaker A:Yes, yes.
Speaker B:Like a little 8 by 10 hook rug.
Speaker B:And it was of the Los Angeles Raiders, who ended.
Speaker B:Ended up becoming my.
Speaker B:My favorite team.
Speaker B:And they actually happened to be in the super bowl that year.
Speaker B:And so I loved.
Speaker B:I loved.
Speaker B:I loved the NFL, and I.
Speaker B:I stopped loving the Raiders, thankfully, because I, you know, lots of reasons, but, yeah, that was the memory I had.
Speaker A:What about the hook art?
Speaker A:Do you still love that?
Speaker A:Like, could you pick up hook art in your retirement or something?
Speaker A:No.
Speaker B:Oh, I could.
Speaker B:I could pick it up.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:But I don't.
Speaker B:I don't still have it.
Speaker B:Yeah, I could.
Speaker B:I could pick it up.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:I could hook a rug with the best of a man, I bet.
Speaker B:All right.
Speaker B:That this the last one.
Speaker B:Boy Meets World will Friedel says Ben Savage still won't speak to costars amid.
Speaker B:Amid their estrangement.
Speaker B:I am curious.
Speaker B:And of the two Savages, Fred or Ben, with whom does your heart remember most fond?
Speaker B:Or does who do you remember most fondly?
Speaker B:And that's what I'm trying to say.
Speaker A:Oh, it has to be Kevin.
Speaker A:Fred.
Speaker A:Fred, without a doubt.
Speaker A:Like, Wonder Years.
Speaker A:Oh, he was just.
Speaker A:That was one of my favorite shows of all time.
Speaker A:So Fred.
Speaker A:Fred wins.
Speaker B:My Fred, not Ben.
Speaker B:Okay, so were you a Boy meets Boy Meets World girl at all?
Speaker B:Like, I.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:Topanga loved her.
Speaker A:She was great.
Speaker B:You were.
Speaker A:We watched Boy Meets World, but.
Speaker A:But no, it does not compare to Fred Savage in the Wonder Years Little Monsters.
Speaker A:I mean, every.
Speaker A:I loved Fred Savage.
Speaker A:He was like Princess Bride icon.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah, I forgot about Princess Br.
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:He was in everything, and he was so good.
Speaker A:You went to college with him, didn't you?
Speaker B:I.
Speaker B:Yeah, I went to college with both of them, technically.
Speaker B:They both went to.
Speaker B:They both went to Stanford.
Speaker A:They got the two for one Stanford discount.
Speaker B:They did.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:And, yeah, let's just say.
Speaker B:Yeah, I never.
Speaker B:I never actually saw.
Speaker B:I never actually.
Speaker B:I think.
Speaker B:I think Ben came in, like, as I was leaving.
Speaker B:Like, he might have been a freshman when.
Speaker B:Right as I left.
Speaker B:But.
Speaker B:But, yeah, Thread.
Speaker B:Fred was a year ahead of me.
Speaker B:And, yeah, he was a.
Speaker B:He was an interesting dude, and let's just leave it at that.
Speaker B:Interesting guy.
Speaker A:Don't ruin it.
Speaker A:For me.
Speaker A:I just want to keep him as Kevin from the Wonder years.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Yeah, he played.
Speaker B:He played on the reputation, for sure.